Monday, September 28, 2009

A few lessons learnt about hiking and hiking with guys

Listed in order of importance

1. Always be on your guard – you never know when a guy is going to drop his pants in public
2. Spiders are all around us – they’re harmless unless provoked and some of them are really pretty (wolf spider)
3. Know your route – the arrow might point to galg but what does galg actually mean? – it may include all the routes in the area (don't trust the guys)
4. Guys sometimes don’t have filters for what they say – and sometimes don’t care about saying offensive things – a warp sense of humor and/or earplugs are essential
5. Potjiekos made in the rain tastes very good – thanks Carica!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Apologies to the Metro Cop

Dear Mr Metro Cop

I need to apologize to you. I am sorry that I was checking out your ass while you were doing your very difficult job. I know how hard it can be when you take charge of chaotic situations in Long Street. I apologize for drooling while watching you write out a ticket. I hadn't noticed that you had a ring on your finger, I was so lost in my infatuation. If ever your wife decides to leave you, I'll be happy to give you that shoulder to cry on.

Look after yourself dear hot one!

Caren - aka ur Friday night momentary stalker
ps. yes, i am crazy

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ah, climbing

So yesterday a couple of us went indoor climbing. It was lovely to get back into it. I enjoyed the feeling of using your muscles and solving problems at the same time. :) I can't wait for the outdoor climbing. :) Come on summer!!! We went out for a drink afterwards to one of my favourite hangouts in Cape Town, "A touch of madness", in Obs. It was great to be there and have geselsies with Dizzy and The Don. I can't wait for next week!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Weird animal names #1

The Peruvian national bird is called the "Andean Cock-of-the-rock". Image from Wikipedia

what to do, what to do?

I'm going to try and write more often. I feel like it would be a great way to improve my writing skills aswelll as making me contemplate more about things. Some might say that I shouldn't be contemplating any more than I am, but I disagree.

So, what do I have to say today. I'm wondering about my internship and what I am going to do in the future. I was listening to a debate about racism in South Africa this morning. There seems to be more and more talk about people being placed in certain positions because of their skin colour, in order to even out the playing fields. I am not entirely sure that this is the right thing to do, as it merely categorizes people into racial groups. This re-emphasizes the differences between people and leads to further disharmony. I feel quite sad that we are still in a society where some people are given more opportunities than others. I do believe, however, that we don't have to focus on this. I was listening to a motivational speaker a couple of weeks ago, and he really peeked an interest in me. I was thinking that if I am not part of the group that is being favoured at the moment (or was in the past), I have to make a plan to not be part of that system. In other words, I have to think about and eventually start my own consultancy. I'm thinking that it's probably the best way to go forward and hopefully create jobs for people(anyone, irrespective of colour).

Anyway, that's my rant for the day. I'm not sure where this is going, only time will tell.

Feel free to comment.

Have a super day!