Monday, October 13, 2008

All in all

So, I guess, I'm a woman of a few words (the blog evidence would suggest). But I would like to share something with the world, something that my dad always told me. I try my best to keep to it as I believe it is a really good bit of advice. I don't know if he got this bit of advice from someone else or if it was his own, unfortunately I can't ask him now. He said "Don't say anything unless you have something good to say." I take this to mean that you shouldn't be fake in anyway and that you only try and build people up. And perhaps it's the whole deal with quality versus quantity. I am so happy that my friends are not the bullshit talking kind and are happy to just sit quietly until they have something important to say. Also, a past discussion with two of them gave me another realisation. The realisation that we don't really understand how much impact one can have on someone by what you have to say to them. Anyway, that's all.


Sid said...

Okay this is the best thing you have ever written. a) I was thinking of blogging about our conversation and b) in my thesis acknowledgement section I actually thank my friends for seeing through my bullshit. And ... if I ever meet someone I want him to meet you guys. You're such an important part of my life.

cazz said...

thanks sid!