Friday, October 9, 2009

Cape Town to Moroni, at least they didn't send us to Dubai first

From the moment we stepped onto the plane in Johannesburg, I knew that this trip would be one that I would not forget.

After touching down in Nairobi we had some time to kill in the transit lounge. This was my first time in Nairobi and it was so interesting to see all the different kinds of people sitting in the airport. I saw this one guy who I guess was from the “jumping” tribe (remember that movie about the basketball guys from Kenya, I’m sure you’ve seen the movie, he was probably an extra), he was so tall. The most interesting person that I saw sitting in the transit section was this old Muslim man, he was wearing his traditional Muslim attire (long white “dress with pants” (help, Sid) and a fez). The thing that struck me was that he was so black and the beard that he had been growing for who knows how long was red!! I guess this shows my lack of knowledge or experience, but I’ve never seen a black person with red hair before. It was so cool. I tried not to stare and I think I managed to get a couple of peeks with out him knowing.

So then we get on our flight to Maroni, the capital of the Grand Comoros. While enjoying our in-flight meal, we find out that we are going to fly over our destination and land at another island to pick up some other passengers. This was all very well and good, as the islands were so close that it would take only another 30mins to get to this other island, Mayotte. It was so cool to fly over our destination island and to see the rest of the archipelago, with the coral reefs and amazing colours of the water. We touched down and waited for the rest of the passengers to get on while the temperature in the tin bird started to increase. We thought, ah well, it won’t be long before we get going and the aircon will kick in. WRONG. To be continued…

Taking a leaf from Sid’s book and leaving it there.

NOT, I freaking hate that!!

Anyway, so then the plane fills up with people, there’s not a seat left. We all are excited to get going and then we start watching the safety video again, as the temperature on the plane slowly starts to creep up. At this point we have not moved an inch, and the captain informs us that there is a technical issue that needs to be sorted out and we should be on our way in 5mins. All fine, except it doesn’t take 5 minutes. The technical issue with the plane is that the starter is not working and they cannot turn on the aircon until the plane starts. We were sitting inside the plane, with 80 people, on a tropical island for 40mins without aircon!!!!!! It was gross to say the least. I though that I might faint. After 40mins they decided to move us off the plane. So then we have the chance to spend some time in the transit area of the Mayotte airport, buying bottled water at 2euros a pop!! About an hour later, we get news that the plane’s technical issue has been sorted out and we are once again on our way. We finally get to our destination, Moroni, at about 3pm on Sunday – travel time totaling approx 19 hours (for a trip that should have only taken us around four hours, bloody cheap skates!!).

That’s all for now, will post again very soon. Hope you guys are all well. Send me an email without any attachments to my gmail addy to let me know what’s happening on your side. Take care!


floopsie said...

Cool! I was hoping you would keep us updated! Sounds like the trip there was very cool. Man, i hope youre taking plenty of pictures.

All good with me on this side of the world, i am not looking forward to spending all of the upcoming week in pta though:(.

Keep well caren, do someone..i mean something, I would:)

Lotsa love. I hope your mom doesnt read your blog.


The Don said...

Wahahaha, "Taking a leaf from Sid’s book". Sorry Sid, but I hate that too!

Also, I think the air-con thing was a marketing trick to sell the bottled water.

And I think the name for the Muslim attire is a "thobe"? Though not 100% sure.

Sid said...

Take pictures. Of coral reefs etc.

A thobe??? Er never heard of that term before.

2 euros for water??? Fuck it.

Sid said...

Spelt "thawb'

The Don said...

A thawb or thobe (Arabic: ثوب‎, ṯawb), dishdasha (دشداشة dišdāšah)

The Don said...

Thats according to Wikipedia.

floopsie said...

where for art thou Caren?